Implementing An Employee Time Tracking App: Your 10-Step Guide

In this guide, we’ll explain the 10 steps you must take to implement an employee time tracking app and ensure adoption sticks!
implementing an employee time tracking app
Time Tracking Fundamentals
Understanding Labor Laws
GPS Tracking
Tracking More Than Time
Time Tracking Benefits
Choosing A System
Implementing A System
Time Tracking Fundamentals
Understanding Labor Laws
GPS Tracking
Tracking More Than Time
Time Tracking Benefits
Choosing A System
Implementing A System

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Are you a small business owner struggling to keep track of your team’s hours worked? Do you find yourself spending hours each week processing payroll and managing employee attendance? 

If so, you’re not alone. 

Many small business owners face these same challenges, which can be time-consuming, frustrating, and costly.

The good news is that there is a solution: employee time tracking apps

These apps can help small business owners keep track of their team’s hours worked, automate the payroll process, and ensure compliance with labor laws. 

But with so many employee time tracking apps on the market, how do you know which one to choose and how to successfully implement it?

In this article, we’ll provide a 10-step guide to implementing an employee time tracking app. We’ll cover everything from identifying your needs and goals to maintaining and updating the technology. 

But first, let’s define employee time tracking. 

Employee time tracking is the process of tracking the hours worked by employees. This can be done manually, such as through paper timesheets or spreadsheets, or with the help of technology, such as with employee time tracking apps.

Employee time tracking apps have become increasingly popular in recent years and for good reason. They can help small business owners save time, reduce errors, and improve compliance with labor laws.

But, it’s important to choose the right employee time tracking app and successfully implement it to reap these benefits.

With that said, let’s dive into the 10-step guide to help you implement an employee time tracking app. Whether you’re new to employee time tracking or looking to improve your current system, this guide will provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to succeed.

Implementing an Employee Time Tracking App

Step 1: Identify Your Needs and Goals

The first step to implementing an employee time tracking app is to identify your needs and goals. 

Evaluate your current situation and determine what you want to achieve with the implementation of an employee time tracking app. 

Here are some questions to ask yourself.

  • What are your pain points with your current employee time tracking system (if you have one)?
  • What are your goals for implementing an employee time tracking app? Do you want to streamline your payroll process, reduce errors, or increase productivity?
  • Who will be using the employee time tracking app? Will it be used by employees, supervisors, or both?
  • What features do you need in an employee time tracking app? Do you need GPS tracking, the ability to handle multiple job codes, or integration with your payroll software?
  • What is your budget for an employee time tracking app? Are you looking for a free option, or are you willing to pay for a more robust solution?

Answering these questions will help you determine what you need and want in an employee time tracking app. It’s important to make sure that the app you select meets your specific needs and goals.

Once you have a clear understanding of your needs and goals, you can create a list of must-have features and begin researching your options. 

By taking the time to identify your needs and goals upfront, you can ensure that the employee time tracking app you select will meet your specific requirements and provide the greatest benefit to your business. Don’t rush this step – it’s the foundation for a successful implementation!

Step 2: Consider Your Options

After identifying your needs and goals for an employee time tracking app, the next step is to consider your options. With so many apps on the market, make sure to take your time to find the right one for your business. 

Here are some things to consider when evaluating your options.


Take the time to read reviews and compare the features of different employee time tracking apps. Look for apps that have positive reviews and meet your specific needs and goals.

Ease of Use

Make sure the app you select is easy to use and will not require a significant amount of training for your employees.

Integration Options

Does the employee time tracking app integrate with your existing software, like your payroll software or project management tools?


Consider whether the employee time tracking app can grow with your business. Look for apps that offer scalable pricing options or can accommodate additional employees as your business expands.


Look for employee time tracking apps that prioritize security, like those that offer two-factor authentication or encryption of data.


Determine whether the app is within your budget and whether it offers a free trial or demo to test it out before committing to a purchase.


By considering these factors, you can narrow down your options and find the best employee time tracking app for your business. 

Keep in mind that selecting the right employee time tracking app can have a significant impact on your business, so take this step seriously. 

Step 3: Make a Selection

After evaluating your options, the next step in implementing an employee time tracking app is to select an app.

Here are some additional tips to consider after you’ve narrowed down your options.

Look for Customization Options

Consider whether the employee time tracking app can be customized to meet your specific needs and workflow. Look for apps that can be tailored to fit the way you already work.

Think About Support

Consider whether the app offers customer support or training to help you get started. Try to partner with a technology provider that offers real customer support and training to ensure a successful implementation.

Make the Right Choice

It’s crucial to choose an employee time tracking app that can fit seamlessly into your current workflow. This will help ensure that your employees are more likely to use the app and that the implementation is successful.

A great option to consider is Workyard, an employee time tracking app that is easy to use, customizable, and offers real customer support and training. With Workyard, you can easily track employee hours, manage job codes, and integrate with your payroll software. Additionally, Workyard is scalable and offers competitive pricing options to fit your budget.

By taking the time to select the right employee time tracking app for your business, you can ensure a successful implementation that will streamline your payroll process, reduce errors, and increase productivity.

Step 4: Develop an Implementation Plan

Once you have selected an employee time tracking app, the next step is to develop an implementation plan. 

Here’s how you can.

Set a Timeline

Determine a timeline for the implementation and set a launch date. Give yourself enough time to test the app and train your employees before the launch date.

Assign Responsibilities

Determine who will be responsible for the implementation of the employee time tracking app. This could be a whole implementation team or a single project manager.

Communicate with Your Employees

Communicate the implementation plan and launch date with the rest of your team. This will help ensure that everyone is on the same page and is prepared for the launch.

Develop a Training Plan

Determine how you will train your employees on the new employee time tracking app. 

Consider whether you will offer group training sessions or one-on-one coaching. Make sure to provide clear instructions and resources for your employees to reference.

Address Any Concerns

Make sure to address any concerns or questions your employees may have about the new employee time tracking app. This can help ease any apprehension about the change.

With a solid implementation plan in place, you can ensure that the transition to the new app is as smooth as possible.

Step 5: Soft Launch: Test and Pilot

The next step in implementing an employee time tracking app is to perform a soft launch, which involves testing and piloting the app. 

This will help you identify any issues and make any necessary adjustments before the official launch. 

Start with a Small Group

Begin by piloting the employee time tracking app with a small group of employees. 

This will help you identify any issues on a smaller, more manageable scale before rolling it out to the entire team.

Gather Feedback

Get feedback from your employees to provide feedback during the soft launch.

This will help you identify any issues or areas for improvement and make changes before the official launch.

Monitor Usage

Keep track of how often the app is being used and which features are being utilized the most. 

On the technical side, this will help you identify areas for improvement or additional training.

Make Necessary Adjustments

Based on feedback and usage, make any necessary adjustments to the employee time tracking app before the official launch. 

This could include changes to the user interface, additional training, or adjusting features.

Evaluate the Success of the Soft Launch

Once the soft launch is complete, evaluate the success of the pilot. Determine whether any additional work needs to be done before the official launch.

Performing a soft launch is an essential step in the implementation of an employee time tracking app. By taking the time to test and pilot the app, you can ensure a successful official launch and help streamline your payroll process, reduce errors, and increase productivity.

Step 6: Fine-Tune Training and Roll-Out

After completing the soft launch, the next step is to fine-tune training and roll out the employee time tracking app to the entire team. Here’s how to move forward.

The Training

Based on feedback from the soft launch, provide additional training for your employees on the employee time tracking app. 

This will help to make sure that your team is fully prepared for the official launch.

The Benefits

During the training, emphasize the benefits of using the employee time tracking app. This will help your employees get on the same page, so they understand the improvements to the payroll process and productivity.

The Feedback

As always, encourage your employees to ask questions and provide feedback during the training. You need to make sure that everyone fully understands how to use the app. This can provide additional insights for improvement.

Step 7: Hard Launch

After fine-tuning the roll-out process, it’s time for the hard launch.

The Official Launch Date

Make sure to communicate the official launch date of the employee time tracking app to your team. This can be in an email or a company-wide announcement.

Provide Support

Provide thorough support to your team during the hard launch. You can provide additional training or written resources for reference.

Encourage and Monitor Usage

Encourage your team to use the employee time tracking app regularly. 

This will strengthen the implementation within the company and ensure that the benefits of the app are fully realized.

In this phase, you should still keep track of how often the app is being used and which features are being utilized the most. 

Evaluate the Success

After the hard launch, evaluate the success of the employee time tracking app. Determine whether any additional changes are necessary.

By executing a successful hard launch, your team will be fully on board with the employee time tracking app and using it regularly. 

Step 8: Provide Ongoing Support

Now that the app has been launched, continue to provide support and resources to your team.

  • Partnering with a technology provider, like Workyard, can ensure ongoing support and training for your team. This can help ensure that any issues or questions are addressed promptly.
  • Make sure to provide resources for your team to reference. This could include user manuals, video tutorials, or a help desk for additional support.
  • Encourage your team to provide feedback on the employee time tracking app. This can help identify any areas for improvement or additional training.
  • Continue to monitor the usage of the app to ensure that it’s being used regularly and that the benefits are being realized.
  • As your team becomes more familiar with the app, consider providing additional training to ensure continued usage and success.
  • Make sure to stay up-to-date with any new features or updates to the employee time tracking app. This can help ensure that your team is utilizing all of the available resources and features.

Step 9: Monitor and Evaluate Effectiveness 

As the employee time tracking app becomes better integrated with your business, continually assess the success of the app to ensure that it’s meeting your needs and goals. 

Here are some tips to consider for monitoring and evaluating effectiveness.

  1. Determine key metrics for evaluating the success of the employee time tracking app, like reducing payroll processing time or reducing errors.
  1. Keep track of how often the app is being used and which features are being utilized the most. 
  1. Continue to solicit feedback from your team on the app. 
  1. Compare the employee time tracking app to your previous processes. Determine whether it’s more efficient and effective than your previous methods.
  1. Evaluate whether the app is providing the benefits that you had hoped for. Determine whether it’s streamlining your payroll process, reducing errors, or increasing productivity.
  1. Based on the feedback and evaluation, make any necessary adjustments to the employee time tracking app.

Step 10: Maintain and Update Technology

Now that the employee time tracking app is integrated, you can keep the app up-to-date and functioning properly. 

Stay Up-to-Date

Stay up-to-date with any new features or updates to the employee time tracking app. This can help ensure that your team is utilizing all of the available resources and features.

Monitor Performance

Continuously monitor the performance of the app to ensure that it’s functioning properly and efficiently.

Address Issues

Address any issues with the app promptly to ensure that it’s functioning properly and to avoid any disruptions to your payroll process.

Partner with a Technology Provider

Partnering with a technology provider, like Workyard, can ensure that the app is maintained and updated properly. This can help ensure that any issues or updates are addressed promptly.

By maintaining and updating the technology, you can ensure continued success and efficiency with the employee time tracking app. 

How to Ensure Implementing an Employee Time Tracking App Sticks

Implementing an employee time tracking app can be a game-changer for small business owners, but it’s important to ensure that adopting the app sticks. 

Communicate the Benefits of a Time Tracking App

One of the most important things to do to ensure that adoption sticks is to communicate the value and benefits of implementing an employee time tracking app. 

Make sure to explain how the app will streamline your payroll process, reduce errors, and increase productivity. Here are some ways to communicate the value and benefits.

  1. Host a training session to explain the benefits of the employee time tracking app and how to use it effectively.
  1. Share success stories with your team to illustrate the benefits of the app. This can help motivate your team to embrace the app.
  1. Create a visual, like an infographic or video, to illustrate the benefits of the app. This can help communicate the value of the app simply and effectively.

Appoint Influential Employees to Promote the Implementing of Employee Time Tracking Apps

Influential employees can help motivate your team to embrace the app and demonstrate how to use it effectively. Here are some tips for appointing influencers or champions.

  1. Choose individuals who are respected and trusted by your team to be your influencers or champions. 
  1. Provide training to your influencers to ensure that they’re using the app effectively and can answer any questions or concerns from your team.
  1. Recognize the efforts of your influencers to demonstrate the importance of their role. This could include providing incentives or publicly recognizing their efforts.

Offer Incentives for Employees Who Embrace the Implementing of Employee Time Tracking Apps

Offering rewards or incentives for employees who embrace employee time tracking apps can be a powerful way to motivate your team to use the app effectively. 

Here are some tips for offering rewards or incentives.

  1. Choose rewards that align with your company culture to ensure that they’re effective. If your company culture values work-life balance, consider offering a day off as a reward.
  1. Set achievable goals for using the app to ensure that your team can earn rewards. This can help motivate your team to embrace the app.
  1. Recognize the efforts of employees who embrace the app to demonstrate the importance of their role. 

Address Reservations Employees Have About Time Tracking Apps

One common concern that employees may have about time tracking apps is privacy. 

It’s important to address any privacy concerns or reservations that employees have to ensure that they feel comfortable using the app. 

  1. Explain the data that’s being collected by the app and how it’s being used. 
  1. Address the security measures that are in place to ensure that data is protected. 
  1. Provide training on how to use the app securely to ensure that employees are using the app in a way that protects their data.

Benefits of Successfully Implementing an Employee Time Tracking App

Successfully implementing an employee time tracking app can provide numerous benefits for small business owners. Here are some of the key benefits to consider.

Increased Productivity

Employee time tracking apps can help increase productivity by providing real-time tracking of employee hours. This can help you identify areas where productivity can be improved and ensure that your team is working efficiently. 

Here are some ways that employee time tracking apps can increase productivity.

  1. Employee time tracking apps can help identify inefficiencies in your team’s workflow.
  1. Employee time tracking apps can automate time-consuming processes, such as manually tracking hours.
  1. By automating the payroll process, employee time tracking apps can reduce errors and save time.

Enhanced Accountability

Employee time tracking apps can enhance accountability by providing a clear record of employee hours worked. 

This can help ensure that your team is working the hours they’re supposed to and can provide a basis for performance evaluations. 

  1. Employee time tracking apps provide clear records of hours worked, making it easy to ensure that your team is working the hours they’re supposed to.
  1. Employee time tracking apps help monitor attendance and ensure that employees are showing up for work on time.
  1. Employee time tracking apps provide a basis for performance evaluations by providing clear records of employee hours worked.

Improved Resource Management

Employee time tracking apps can improve resource management by providing insight into how your team is spending their time. This can help you make informed decisions about resource allocation and ensure that your team is working on the right tasks. 

  1. Employee time tracking apps can help identify bottlenecks in your team’s workflow. This can help you make informed decisions about resource allocation to improve efficiency.
  1. By providing insight into how your team is spending their time, employee time tracking apps can help optimize task assignments to ensure that your team is working on the right tasks.

Accurate Payroll

Employee time tracking apps can help ensure accurate payroll by automating the payroll process and reducing errors. 

This can help save time and reduce the risk of payroll-related issues. 

Better Compliance with Labor Laws

Employee time tracking apps can help ensure compliance with labor laws by providing clear records of employee hours worked. 

This can help you comply with labor laws related to overtime pay, minimum wage, and more. 

The Bottom Line on Implementing Employee Time Tracking Apps

Implementing an employee time tracking app can help small business owners streamline their payroll process, reduce errors, and improve compliance with labor laws. By following the 10-step guide we’ve provided, small business owners can successfully choose and implement an employee time tracking app that meets their needs and goals.

If you’re looking for an employee time tracking app that’s easy to use and can adapt to the way you already work, Workyard is a great option for contractors and field services. Workyard’s employee time tracking app is designed to make time tracking easy for contractors, field services, and other small businesses.

Check out the video below to see how Workyard makes life easier for you and your business.

With Workyard, you can easily track your team’s hours worked, automate the payroll process, and ensure compliance with labor laws. Workyard also offers real customer support and training to ensure that you and your team are successful in using the app.

By following the 10-step guide we’ve provided and choosing an employee time tracking app like Workyard, you can save time, reduce errors, and improve the overall success of your business. So, what are you waiting for? Sign up for a free trial of Workyard today!

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