• Published : July 13, 2023

Risk Register Templates: Download & Print for Free!

Effectively manage and mitigate risk. Download and print a variety of free risk register templates today.
Risk Register Template

Download, Customize, and Print Your Free Risk Register Template!

If you’re embarking on a new project and trying to reduce risk, you’ve come to the right place.

As you may already know, having a well-structured risk register is essential for recognizing, assessing, and managing potential risks. That’s why, in this article, we’ll provide you with a variety of risk register templates that you can download, customize, and print for free.

Let’s get to it!

Risk Register Template

Risk Register Template

Are you looking for a better way to manage risks? Download our simple risk register template now! This free template, available in Excel and Google Sheets formats, is here to help you identify, assess, and mitigate risks effectively. With customizable fields and a risk register example to guide you, this template is your key to staying organized and making informed decisions.

Project Risk Register Template

Project Risk Register Template

Unlock the secret to successful project planning with our free project risk register template. This dynamic tool, inspired by PMI's risk register template, helps you identify, assess, and mitigate project risks like a pro. Available in Excel and Google Sheets formats, this template offers customizable fields and a comprehensive framework. Stay ahead of the game and ensure project success with our project management risk register template.

Risk Log Template

Risk Log Template

Tackle risks head-on with our free, comprehensive risk log template. This tool helps you track and manage potential risks, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks. With a user-friendly format and a risk log example to guide you, this template empowers you to proactively mitigate risks. Don't miss out on this essential resource—download your risk log template today and take control of your projects!

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How do you write a risk register?

Writing a risk register involves a systematic approach to identifying, assessing, and managing risks within a project or organization. 

Follow these important steps to write an effective risk register:

  • Identify risks: Identify potential hazards by brainstorming and gathering input from stakeholders. Take into account both internal and external elements that can have an impact on the project or organization.
  • Risk assessment: Determine the likelihood and potential impact of each identified risk. To prioritize risks depending on severity, use a risk assessment matrix or scoring system.
  • Define risk description: Explain each risk in detail, including its nature, its causes, and potential effects. To establish a shared understanding, use succinct language and be specific.
  • Determine risk owners: Assign accountability to individuals or teams that will be in charge of managing and monitoring each risk.
  • Develop mitigation strategies: Create appropriate mitigation or control methods for the identified risks. Preventive measures, contingency plans, and risk transfer procedures should be included. This can also include residual risk and a risk management plan that will help the entire team track risks and stay on the right track.
  • Assess the potential impact and probability: Determine the potential impact and probability of each risk occurring. Consider the effects on the project’s timeframe, money, resources, and overall goals.
  • Monitor and review: Review and update the risk register on a regular basis when new risks emerge or old risks evolve. Continuously monitor the effectiveness of mitigating techniques and make necessary adjustments. 
  • Communicate and share: Distribute the risk register to key stakeholders to guarantee transparency and collaboration. Encourage open dialogue about hazards and risk management within the project or business.

Remember that a risk register is a living document that changes as the project advances or new hazards surface. It is a useful reference tool for proactively managing risks and making educated decisions to reduce their impact.

What should be included in the risk register?

A comprehensive risk register should include the following key elements:

  1. Risk ID: Each risk is granted a unique identification for easy reference and tracking.
  2. Risk description: A succinct and unambiguous description of the risk’s existence, probable causes, and potential effects. This helps stakeholders in understanding the risk and how it can affect the project or business.
  3. Risk classification: Divide risks into categories such as technical, financial, operational, and legal. Categorization helps in the proper organization and analysis of hazards.
  4. Risk owner: Assign accountability for managing and monitoring the specific risk to an individual or team. This assures that the risks are being actively addressed.
  5. Risk likelihood: Determine possible risks and the likelihood that the risk will occur. This risk analysis can be stated as a percentage or as a qualitative evaluation (for example, low, medium, or high).
  6. Impact of risk: Determine the potential impact or severity of the risk if it occurs. Consider the implications for the project’s objectives, resources, timeframe, budget, and stakeholders. This can also be stated as a score or qualitative evaluation as not all risks are going to affect the project equally.
  7. Risk level: Compile the likelihood and impact assessments to get the overall risk level. This helps with risk prioritization and focuses resources on high-risk regions.
  8. Mitigation: Specific actions or methods to mitigate or manage the risk should be defined. These strategies should detail measures to successfully prevent, minimize, or respond to the risk.
  9. Risk status: Keep track of the risk’s current status, such as open, closed, in progress, or mitigated. This gives an overview of risk management progress and aids in risk monitoring and tracking.
  10. Additional notes and documents: Include any additional risk-related notes, comments, or supporting documents. This aids in the capture of critical details while also providing a historical record of the risk management process.

What is a typical risk register?

A typical risk register is a structured document or tool used to systematically identify, assess, and manage risks within a project or organization. 

While specific formats may vary, a standard risk register usually includes the following components:

  • Risk identification number
  • Risk description
  • Risk category
  • Risk impact and likelihood
  • Risk level
  • Risk owner
  • Mitigation strategies and methods
  • Risk status

A typical risk register provides a consolidated view of all identified risks, allowing stakeholders to prioritize, track, and manage them effectively. However, the specific structure and components of a risk register can vary based on the organization’s needs, industry standards, and project requirements.

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