The most accurate Paylocity time clock

Capture more accurate time cards and get a real-time view of your job costs with our time clock app that integrates seamlessly with Paylocity.

Try it for free
Trusted by 50,000+ workers

At a glance

All-in-one time tracking, scheduling, and job tracking for Paylocity

Accurate GPS time clock

Accurate time tracking made easy for workers.

Automate Payroll

Digitize time capture and payroll. Eliminate tedious admin and mistakes.

Capture job costs

Accurately capture exact labor costs for each job.

Mobile Scheduling

Schedule & organize jobs with a shared digital calendar.

Why Use Workyard with Paylocity?

Accurate GPS time clock for Paylocity

Our Paylocity time clock captures accurate timesheets using the industry's most precise GPS – saving you on payroll costs and providing the data you need to run more profitable projects. To make auditing your time and attendance even easier, our app uses smart alerts to surface potential timesheet mistakes.

Automatically capture job costs

Capture hours worked per job and/or cost code with every time card.

Mobile scheduling for Paylocity

Make it easy for employees to always know exactly where they need to be. Schedule & organize jobs with a shared digital calendar. Communicate exactly what needs to be done with checklists, photos and more. Easily set up recurring tasks with our Paylocity time clock.
"Workyard will save me $2,500 in inflated payroll costs from 1 guy alone. Guys would round to a 7 am arrival time. Now I can see 7:18, 7:14 actual arrival times on site."
Dan Hausmann
Owner, American Craftsman Contracting

Get started today

Automate payroll with Paylocity

Digitize time capture and payroll. Eliminate hours of tedious admin and mistakes with a simple time built for Paylocity. Reduce payroll processing time by up to 75% each week. At the click of button we'll export timesheets to upload to Paylocity.

Improve billing & job costing accuracy

Upload accurate timesheets to Paylocity for improved billing and job costing accuracy.

How it works

Step by step guide


Create account

Signup for a free trial


Invite users

Add team members to your Workyard account so they can track time and fill timesheets.


Clock time

Your employees will be invited to download the app. Get your team clocking in and out every day to record time accurately.


Export time to Paylocity

Go to the Time Cards page, click Export. Next select the Pay Period you would like to export. All time cards broken down by job and service item can be uploaded to Paylocity to avoid the need for manual entry.



Connect Workyard to Paylocity today


All your


questions answered.

How do I set up the Paylocity time clock integration?

To setup access to our Paylocity file generator, you'll need to contact our customer support team. Usually within 24hrs we'll give to access to a portal you can use to generate the Paylocity payroll file.

Does Paylocity have a time clock app?

Paylocity does have its own time clock app which has a great set of capabilities focused on supporting wide range of industries industries including retail, healthcare, restaurants, professional services and many more. Workyard is a time clock app solely focused on contractors, construction, and field services companies. This sole focus allows us to deliver key differentiating features such as ease of use for workers, precise GPS tracking, built-in job cost tracking and scheduling designed to improve communication with your crew.

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