The Ultimate Guide to Production Tracking In Construction

In this guide, you’ll learn everything there is to know about production tracking, including the different methods, benefits, best practices, and software solutions.
production tracking
Construction Management Fundamentals
Roles & Responsibilities
Project Management
Tracking & Measuring Progress
Managing Cost & Budget
Quality & Risk Management
Leveraging Technology
Construction Management Fundamentals
Roles & Responsibilities
Project Management
Tracking & Measuring Progress
Managing Cost & Budget
Quality & Risk Management
Leveraging Technology

Track Hours & Labor Costs In Real-Time With Workyard

Whether you’re a student navigating the intricacies of construction studies or a seasoned professional eager to enhance your operational efficiency, you’ve come to the right place. With a focus on production tracking methods, benefits, best practices, and software solutions, this guide aims to provide you with a thorough understanding of production tracking in construction.

We all know that the construction industry can be complicated, with all sorts of tasks, resources, and timelines to manage. Effective management of construction projects demands knowledge, precision, and, of course, having the right tools to help you. Among these tools, production tracking stands out as a vital powerhouse for ensuring projects are completed on time, within budget, and up to the standard.

This guide seeks to showcase what production tracking is and highlight why it’s a critical component of any successful construction project. Furthermore, we’ll explore the various elements you should consider when choosing the right production tracking software for your own needs—because having the right software solution in place can turn a problematic project into a seamless overall process.

From novices to experts, this guide truly has something for everyone. With a blend of advanced insight, real-world examples, and a handful of practical tips, we’ll explore how you can transform your construction processes for maximum efficiency and productivity.

What Is Construction Production Tracking?

At its core, construction production tracking is all about monitoring the progress of a construction project. It’s the meticulous process of capturing, observing, and analyzing data associated with the different stages of a project. This includes keeping tabs on various elements like materials used, labor hours expended, tasks accomplished, and much more.

Think of it as the heartbeat monitor for your construction project. It gives you a real-time view of the project’s health and lets you spot any irregularities or potential issues before they become significant problems.

This monitoring can be as straightforward as tracking a single metric—like how many bricks were laid in a day—or as complex as using advanced software to manage multiple intertwined aspects of a larger construction project. The level of detail you need to explore depends on the size and complexity of your project, your management style, and the tools at your disposal.

But why is this necessary, you may ask? The simple answer is visibility. Production tracking allows project managers, contractors, and other stakeholders to see exactly where the project stands at any given moment. This visibility helps ensure that the project stays on track and budget and that any hiccups along the way can be promptly addressed.

With a clear picture of the project’s progress, decision-makers can make informed judgments, manage resources better, and streamline their workflow. Plus, it provides valuable historical data that can be used to help inform future decisions and projects.

Why Construction Production Tracking Is Important

So, now that we’ve established what construction production tracking is, let’s explore why it’s a vital cog in the machine of any construction project. Spoiler alert: it’s not just a fancy term or a nice-to-have—it’s an essential component that can make or break a project.

  • Boosts Efficiency and Productivity: One of the most compelling benefits of production tracking is how it enhances efficiency and productivity. By tracking your work as it happens, you can identify bottlenecks, unnecessary processes, and areas where you might be wasting resources. This insight allows you to make the necessary adjustments to streamline operations and maximize productivity.
  • Improves Resource Management: Construction projects involve numerous resources, from construction materials and equipment to human capital. Production tracking enables optimal utilization of these resources by providing data-driven insights. This means less wastage, better allocation, and, ultimately, more profitable projects.
  • Enhances Communication and Collaboration: With clear visibility into project progress, communication among team members becomes more straightforward. Everyone knows what’s going on, what’s coming up next, and what they need to do. This transparency fuels collaboration, and a collaborative team is a high-performing team.
  • Keeps Projects on Schedule and within Budget: Overruns are the bane of any construction project. Production tracking serves as an early warning system, alerting you to any potential delays or cost overruns. With this data, you can take corrective actions early, keeping your project on schedule and within budget.
  • Provides Valuable Data for Future Projects: The data gathered during production tracking isn’t just useful for the current project—it’s a gold mine of information for future projects too. By analyzing this data, you can spot trends, draw lessons, and make more accurate predictions for future projects, thereby enhancing your overall operational efficiency.
  • Ensures Quality and Compliance: Last but not least, production tracking can help ensure that the project adheres to the required quality standards and complies with relevant regulations. This compliance is crucial in maintaining your reputation and avoiding hefty fines or legal issues.

Construction production tracking is kind of like the rudder of a ship—it doesn’t just help you understand where you are; it helps steer your project in the right direction, navigate obstacles, and ensure smooth sailing toward your project’s successful completion. 

Benefits of Construction Production Tracking

Now that we’ve explored why construction production tracking is crucial, let’s summarize its many benefits. Each of these benefits plays a key role in an ultimately successful construction project.

  • Reduced Delays: With construction production tracking, you can identify potential roadblocks early, making preventing or managing delays easier. This proactive approach saves time and helps keep your project on schedule.
  • Cost Control: Tracking allows you to monitor your expenses closely and identify any areas where costs may be spiraling. This real-time view of your project’s financial health helps you maintain control over your budget and avoid costly surprises down the line.
  • Enhanced Quality Assurance: When tracking production, you also monitor quality. You can ensure that all work meets or exceeds standards, and if it doesn’t, you’ll know right away and can correct course promptly.
  • Increased Accountability: A tracked process is an accountable process. Everyone on the team knows they’re part of a monitored system, leading to heightened responsibility and effort, directly enhancing overall project performance.
  • Improved Risk Management: Risks are a part of any construction project. With effective production tracking, you can spot these risks early and take measures to mitigate them before they escalate into significant issues.
  • Informed Decision-making: Production tracking provides you with solid, data-driven insights, enabling you to make informed decisions. From resource allocation to schedule adjustments, your decisions are backed by real-time data, not just hunches or guesswork.
  • Greater Customer Satisfaction: With projects delivered on time, within budget, and to the desired quality standards, your clients are bound to be happy. This leads to higher customer satisfaction, translating into repeat business and positive referrals.
  • Strategic Planning for Future Projects: The data you gather doesn’t just help the current project—it’s a treasure trove of insights for future planning. You can use this data to refine your strategies, forecasts, and processes for upcoming projects.

Construction Production Tracking Methods

In construction production tracking, two methods are primarily used: the traditional paper or manual way and the modern approach of using software or mobile apps. While both have their place in the industry, their suitability largely depends on your business’s overall nature, scale, and specific needs. To help guide you, let’s take a closer look at each of these methods:

1. Paper or Manual Processes

Before the advent of digital technology, construction projects were tracked using paper-based methods. This approach involves manually recording data on physical documents such as timesheets, work orders, progress reports, and more.


✅ Simple to understand and use.

✅ No technological know-how is required.

✅ Low initial investment.


❌ Prone to human error and data loss.

❌ Time-consuming and labor-intensive.

❌ Hard to update and share information quickly.

❌ Limited in the amount of data it can handle efficiently.

Best suited for:

Small businesses or simple projects that don’t have a high volume of data or a need for real-time information sharing.

2. Software or Mobile Apps

Over the years, construction production tracking has evolved significantly as technology rapidly improved. Nowadays, software solutions and mobile apps can automate much of the production tracking process, providing real-time, data-driven insights at your fingertips.


✅ High accuracy and efficiency.

✅ Real-time data access and sharing.

✅ Enhanced collaboration and communication.

✅ Scalable to handle large amounts of data.

✅ Powerful analytics for decision-making.


❌ Requires investment in technology.

❌ Some learning curves to understand and use the software.

❌ Dependence on internet connectivity.

Best suited for:

Medium to large businesses, complex projects, or any scenario that demands high data volumes, real-time updates, collaboration, and detailed analysis.

Best Suited for
Paper or Manual
Simple to use, No tech-knowhow required, Low initial investment
Prone to error, Time-consuming, Hard to update and share info, Limited data handling
Small businesses, simple projects
Software or Mobile Apps
High accuracy, Real-time data, Enhanced collaboration, Scalable, Powerful analytics
Requires initial tech investment, Greater learning curve, Dependent on internet
Medium to large businesses, more complex projects

Remember, the best production tracking method for you will ultimately depend on your unique project requirements, available resources, and overall business objectives.

Construction Production Tracking Best Practices

Effective construction production tracking isn’t just about having the right tools—it’s also about following the right strategies. Here are some best practices to help you maximize your production tracking efforts:

  • Set Clear Objectives: Before tracking, determine what you want to achieve. Are you trying to monitor labor efficiency, keep an eye on costs, or ensure quality compliance? Your objectives will guide what you track and how you track it.
  • Establish Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Identify the key metrics that will give you a snapshot of your project’s health. These could include labor hours, costs, project milestones, quality checks, and so on. Remember, not everything that can be measured should—only focus on what truly matters.
  • Regularly Monitor and Update Data: Construction production tracking is an ongoing process, not a one-time task. Regularly update and monitor your data to get a real-time view of your project’s status and performance.
  • Use the Right Tools: Whether you’re using manual methods or software solutions, use the tools that best suit your business needs and capacity. Remember, a tool is only as good as how effectively you use it.
  • Train Your Team: Ensure that everyone involved in the project understands the importance of production tracking and knows how to use the tracking system. This includes the project managers and the site workers who will provide much of the data.
  • Communicate, Communicate, Communicate: Keep the lines of communication open. Share regular updates with your team, and make sure everyone knows how the project is progressing. This transparency boosts team morale and productivity.
  • Review and Learn: Don’t just track data—learn from it. Regularly review your data, looking for trends, bottlenecks, and opportunities for improvement. Use these insights to refine your strategies for future projects.
  • Stay Compliant: Ensure your tracking methods comply with all relevant regulations and standards. This includes construction and safety standards, along with data privacy laws if you’re using digital tools for your needs.
  • Prioritize Data Security: If you’re using digital tracking methods, ensure your data is stored securely and backed up regularly. This protects your valuable data from loss or theft.
  • Stay Flexible: Finally, make sure you stay flexible. After all, no project goes 100% according to plan, and your tracking strategy needs to be able to adapt to changes. Make sure to stay open to adjusting your methods or objectives as needed.

Construction Production Tracking Software 

When it comes to construction production tracking, having a robust software solution can be a game-changer. It simplifies the tracking process, improves accuracy, enhances collaboration, and provides powerful analytics. Let’s explore three of the top-rated solutions in the market: Workyard, Raken, and Procore.

1. Workyard

Workyard is a powerful platform that provides real-time insights into your construction projects. Its user-friendly interface and robust functionalities make it an excellent tool for construction companies of all sizes. Clients particularly laud its ability to streamline their workforce management and enhance overall worksite productivity.

Key Features:

  • Real-Time Labor Tracking: Workyard provides real-time visibility into labor costs and productivity, helping you stay on top of your project’s progress.
  • Job Scheduling: Assign and monitor tasks, and manage your crew with easy-to-use task management features such as checklists, notes, and alerts.
  • Reporting: Capture accurate field data and generate detailed performance reports to make more informed decisions that drive project success.
  • GPS Tracking: Know where your team is at all times and monitor their progress on different tasks.
  • Time Tracking and Payroll: Simplify your time tracking and payroll processes with integrated features that reduce administrative burden.

2. Raken

Raken offers a comprehensive solution for field management and daily reporting. It’s recognized for its ease of use and mobile-friendly interface, allowing teams to update progress and communicate effectively in real-time.

Key Features:

  • Real-Time Updates: Raken enables crews to record progress, document work, and communicate updates from the field in real time.
  • Daily Reports: Generate comprehensive daily reports automatically, saving time and ensuring you have accurate, up-to-date records.
  • Time Cards: Streamline your payroll process with digital time cards that can be updated directly from the field.
  • Production Tracking: Monitor your project’s performance with robust production tracking features, including time, cost, and resource tracking.
  • Safety and Quality Compliance: Use built-in checklists and forms to ensure your project meets all safety and quality standards.

3. Procore

Procore is a construction management platform that offers a suite of products to streamline your construction process, including a powerful production tracking module. It stands out for its ability to handle complex projects and large volumes of data, making it a preferred choice for medium to large construction companies.

Key Features

  • Real-Time Labor Monitoring: Procore allows you to monitor your labor costs in real time, ensuring you stay on budget.
  • Field Productivity: Streamline your field processes, from timekeeping and task management to resource allocation and budgeting.
  • Quality and Safety Compliance: Ensure your project adheres to quality and safety standards with integrated checklists and reporting tools.
  • Collaboration Tools: Facilitate better communication and collaboration with features like document sharing, task assignments, and progress updates.
  • Integration: Procore integrates with a range of other tools and software, providing a comprehensive construction management solution.

Choosing the right software solution depends on your specific needs, budget, and project complexity. So take time to carefully explore each solution, consider free trials when available, and select the one that best aligns with your business requirements.

Key Features to Look For and Why

Selecting the right construction production tracking software is crucial, and there are several key features to consider. Each feature serves a specific purpose and contributes to the overall effectiveness of the tracking process. 

Let’s explore each of these features in a bit greater detail…

Real-Time GPS Tracking

GPS tracking is a crucial feature for modern construction projects. It allows you to track the location of your team members, equipment, and materials in real-time. This is vital for coordinating site activities, optimizing resource use, and maintaining site safety. Plus, it can help you keep track of equipment and prevent theft or misplacement, saving you from costly replacements.

Progress Tracking

This feature allows you to monitor the status of tasks and milestones as they happen. It gives you a real-time view of your project’s progress, helping you identify any delays or bottlenecks promptly. Plus, it keeps your team informed about what’s been done and what’s next, fostering transparency and accountability.

Planning & Scheduling

Effective planning and scheduling are the backbone of any successful construction project. A good production tracking software should allow you to create and modify schedules, assign tasks, set deadlines, and send reminders. This helps ensure everyone knows their roles and responsibilities, and that work is completed on time.

Cost and Labor Tracking

Cost overrun is a common issue in construction projects, and labor is often one of the largest expenses. That’s why cost and labor tracking is so important. This feature lets you monitor labor hours, productivity, and costs in real time, helping you stay within budget and identify any potential cost overruns early.

Reports and Analytics

Data is only useful if you can make sense of it—that’s where reporting and analytics come in. These features allow you to generate detailed reports and analyze your data for trends, patterns, and insights. This can inform decision-making, improve future planning, and help you demonstrate progress and results to stakeholders.

In essence, these features turn raw data into actionable insights. They help you stay in control of your project, make informed decisions, and ultimately deliver a successful project. So, when selecting a construction production tracking software, ensure it ticks all these boxes.

Track Hours & Labor Costs With Workyard

Effectively managing hours and labor costs is critical for the success of any construction project. While manual methods can be tedious and error-prone, the right software solution can simplify this task significantly, boosting your efficiency and accuracy. One such solution is Workyard, a robust time tracking and job costing software built for the construction industry.

Workyard’s advanced time tracking system goes beyond just recording hours—it automatically calculates overtime and monitors labor costs in real-time. Imagine replacing hours of tedious admin work with a few clicks. Not only does this save you time, but it also enhances the accuracy of your future bids by providing more precise labor cost data.

But that’s not all. With real-time tracking of labor costs, Workyard gives you an immediate view of where your resources are going. This visibility allows you to spot inefficiencies quickly and make necessary adjustments before it’s too late.

Moreover, Workyard makes it easier for your crew to tag their hours to specific projects and tasks. This not only simplifies timesheet management but also provides you with the granular data you need to improve the accuracy of your client invoices.

When it comes to reporting, Workyard’s construction job costing software is simply a game-changer. In mere seconds, you can generate highly detailed job cost reports, showing your project costs in actual dollar amounts. 

Want to see how much time and money you’re spending on specific tasks or categories of work? Simply filter your reports by cost codes—and for added convenience, you can easily export these reports directly to your accounting system for hassle-free payroll processing.

Workyard enables you to make informed decisions that increase profitability by maintaining an accurate audit trail of labor costs for each project and client. With the right data at your fingertips, you can bid more accurately, manage your resources more effectively, and keep your projects on track and well within budget.

Are you ready to see the difference Workyard can make to your construction production tracking? Experience the convenience and control of advanced time tracking and job costing, and take your construction management to the next level—sign up for a free trial of Workyard today.

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Track Hours & Labor Costs In Real-Time With Workyard

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