How to Track Mileage In 2023

Wondering how to track mileage? There are several ways to track mileage for work. Learn all about them in this guide, plus discover mileage tracking methods that can work for your business.
how to track mileage
Time Tracking Fundamentals
Understanding Labor Laws
GPS Tracking
Tracking More Than Time
Time Tracking Benefits
Choosing A System
Implementing A System
Time Tracking Fundamentals
Understanding Labor Laws
GPS Tracking
Tracking More Than Time
Time Tracking Benefits
Choosing A System
Implementing A System

Automatically Capture Drive Time & Mileage With Workyard

Businesses and individuals alike often require efficient methods to track mileage for various reasons, whether for tax deductions, reimbursement, or simply monitoring transportation expenses. To simplify the process, this guide will explore the various ways to track mileage for work, including robust GPS mileage apps, traditional tracking methods, and dedicated expense management software. 

By understanding how to track mileage and the pros and cons of each approach, you will be better equipped to choose the mileage tracking method that best suits your business or personal needs. Additionally, we will provide tips on how to track mileage for work, maintain accurate records, and ensure compliance with relevant regulations.

Stay with us as we embark on this informative journey, demystifying the world of mileage tracking and equipping you with the knowledge to make informed decisions for your business or personal finances in 2023.

The Importance of Tracking Mileage

Mileage tracking is a practical measure and is an essential aspect of managing business expenses. Tracking mileage is vital for tax purposes, reimbursement, and monitoring of a vehicle’s fuel efficiency.

Tax Purposes

For self-employed individuals and business owners, knowing how to track mileage for work is crucial for tax deductions. The IRS allows deductions for business-related mileage, reducing your taxable income and potentially saving you a significant amount on your taxes. 

To qualify for these deductions, you must maintain accurate and complete mileage records, including each trip’s date, purpose, and distance. Failing to keep proper records can result in missed deductions or issues during an audit.


Many companies reimburse their employees for business-related mileage. Accurate mileage tracking ensures that employees receive fair compensation for their expenses while performing their job duties. It also helps businesses maintain transparency and accountability in their expense management.

Employers often require detailed mileage logs as proof of the distance traveled, so having a reliable method to track mileage is essential for both employees and employers.

Monitoring Fuel Efficiency

Tracking mileage can provide valuable insights into a vehicle’s fuel efficiency, allowing you to identify trends and make informed decisions about vehicle maintenance or replacement. 

Monitoring your fuel consumption and comparing it to the distance traveled can help you assess the overall performance of your vehicle and identify potential issues that may require attention. Improved fuel efficiency can lead to significant cost savings and reduce your environmental impact, making it a critical aspect of responsible vehicle ownership.

How to Track Mileage

When it comes to mileage tracking, there are three main methods to choose from: GPS mileage tracking apps, expense management software, and utilizing paper logbooks or Excel spreadsheets. Each method has unique advantages and drawbacks, so it’s essential to understand how they work and carefully weigh their pros and cons to determine the best option for your needs.

GPS Mileage Tracking Apps

GPS mileage tracking apps utilize your smartphone’s GPS capabilities to automatically record your trips, providing a detailed and accurate mileage log. These apps often include additional features, such as automatic trip classification, expense tracking, and cloud storage for easy access and reporting.


  • Automatic and accurate mileage tracking
  • Convenient and easy to use
  • Advanced features, such as trip classification and expense tracking
  • Cloud storage for easy access and reporting


  • It may require a subscription fee or in-app purchases for premium features
  • Dependent on the availability and accuracy of GPS signals
  • Potential privacy concerns, as some apps may collect and store location data

Expense Management Software

Expense management software is a comprehensive solution for tracking and managing all business-related expenses, including mileage. These programs often integrate with your accounting software and allow you to manually import or input mileage data or by syncing with a GPS mileage tracking app.


  • Comprehensive expense management solution
  • Integration with accounting software for seamless reporting
  • Allows for manual or automatic mileage tracking through GPS app integration


  • It may require a subscription fee or software purchase
  • Manual input of mileage data can be time-consuming
  • Less convenient and portable compared to GPS mileage tracking apps

Paper Logbooks or Excel Spreadsheets

Paper logbooks and Excel spreadsheets are traditional methods of tracking mileage. They require manual input of trip details, such as date, purpose, starting point, destination, and distance traveled.


  • A low-cost or no-cost solution
  • No reliance on technology or GPS signals
  • Greater control over privacy


  • Time-consuming and prone to human error
  • Less convenient and less portable compared to digital methods
  • Lack of advanced features or integration with other systems

How to Track Mileage Using a Mileage Tracker App

Mileage tracker apps are among the most effective and efficient methods for tracking mileage, thanks to their convenience, automation, and advanced features. Here’s a simple breakdown of how to track mileage using a mileage tracker app

Select a Mileage Tracker App

Start by researching and comparing various mileage tracker apps available for your smartphone (iOS or Android). Be sure to consider factors such as user reviews, features, ease of use, and pricing or subscription plans. An example of a popular and robust mileage tracker app is Workyard, although you should research and choose the app that best aligns with your needs and budget.

Download and Install the App

Visit the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android), and search for the app you’re looking for. Once you’ve selected your chosen mileage tracker app, download and install it on your smartphone.

Set Up Your Account

After installing the app, you’ll need to create an account or sign in using your existing credentials if you already have an account. Follow the app’s instructions to complete the registration process, and provide any necessary information, such as your name, email address, and password.

Configure the App Settings

Once your account is set up, configure the app settings to suit your preferences and requirements. This may include setting your home and work locations, choosing your preferred units (miles or kilometers), enabling automatic trip tracking, and adjusting notification settings.

Categorize Your Trips

Most mileage tracker apps allow you to categorize your trips as business, personal, or other. This helps you separate work-related mileage from personal mileage for accurate tax deductions and reimbursements. Familiarize yourself with the app’s process for categorizing trips, which may involve swiping or tapping on the trip details.

Review and Edit Trip Details

Regularly review your trip logs to ensure accuracy and make any necessary edits, such as correcting the trip’s purpose, adding notes, or adjusting the distance traveled. Most apps will also allow you to manually add trips if the automatic tracking fails or you forget to track a trip.

Generate Reports

Mileage tracker apps usually include reporting features that allow you to generate summaries or detailed reports of your mileage for a specific period. Use these reports for tax deductions, reimbursement requests, or expense management. Depending on the app, you may be able to export reports in various formats, such as PDF, CSV, or Excel.

Best Practices for Tracking Mileage

Accurate mileage tracking is essential for tax deductions, reimbursements, and expense management. Following the best practices below ensures that your mileage records are reliable and compliant with relevant regulations. Here are some tips and tricks to help you maintain accurate mileage tracking:

Keep a Consistent and Detailed Log

Maintain a consistent and detailed mileage log, whether you’re using a digital app or a paper mileage log template. Ensure you record the necessary information for each trip, including the date, purpose, starting point, destination, and distance traveled. Consistency is key to avoiding discrepancies or missing data that could jeopardize your deductions or reimbursements.

Categorize Your Trips

Categorize your trips as business, personal, or other to separate work-related and personal mileage. This will help you accurately calculate tax deductions and reimbursements and provide a clear audit trail in case of scrutiny from tax authorities or your employer.

Track Your Mileage in Real-Time

To ensure accuracy and avoid the risk of forgetting to log trips, track your mileage in real time. Use a GPS mileage tracking app that automatically records your trips, or develop a habit of noting down your mileage at the start and end of each trip if you’re using a paper logbook or spreadsheet.

Regularly Review and Update Your Mileage Records

Frequently review your mileage records to check for errors or omissions and update them as needed. This will help you maintain accurate and up-to-date records and identify potential issues impacting your tax deductions or reimbursements.

Store Your Mileage Records Securely

Securely store your mileage records, whether they’re digital or physical. For digital records, use a reliable cloud storage service or backup your data to an external drive. For paper records, store them in a safe and organized manner, such as in a labeled binder or folder.

Retain Your Mileage Records

According to the IRS, you should retain your mileage records for at least three years from the date of filing your tax return or two years from the date of paying the tax, whichever is later. This ensures that you have the necessary documentation in case of an audit or any questions from tax authorities.

Familiarize Yourself with Tax Regulations and Reimbursement Policies

Stay informed about the latest tax regulations and reimbursement policies, as these may change over time. Understanding the rules and requirements will help you maintain compliance and maximize your deductions or reimbursements.

How Mileage is Calculated

Calculating mileage reimbursement and tax deductions for business-related mileage is simplified using the IRS Standard Mileage Rate, which is often updated. For 2023, the IRS has set the Standard Mileage Rate at 65.5 cents per mile driven for business use. This rate considers the vehicle’s operating costs, including fuel, maintenance, insurance, and depreciation.

Here’s how to calculate mileage reimbursement and tax deductions using the 2023 IRS Standard Mileage Rate:

  1. Determine the total business-related miles driven during the year or the period for which the reimbursement or tax deduction is being claimed.
  2. Multiply the total business-related miles by the current IRS Standard Mileage Rate for 2023, which is 65.5 cents per mile.
  3. The resulting amount represents the reimbursement or tax deduction for business-related mileage.

For example, let’s assume you drive 5,000 miles for business purposes in 2023. To calculate the reimbursement or tax deduction, you would multiply the total business-related miles (5,000) by the Standard Mileage Rate for 2023 (0.655).

5,000 miles x $0.655 per mile = $3,275

In this example, you would be eligible for a reimbursement or tax deduction of $3,275 for your business-related mileage in 2023.

Remember that the IRS Standard Mileage Rate may change each year, so it’s essential to stay updated on the current rate when calculating reimbursements or tax deductions. Additionally, maintaining accurate and detailed mileage records is crucial to support your calculations and ensure compliance with tax regulations.

How Workyard Can Help

Workyard is a comprehensive workforce management solution designed to streamline operations for contractors and field service providers. One of its key features is a time clock app with GPS capabilities, which offers numerous benefits to businesses operating in the field.

The Workyard time clock app combines the convenience of a mobile app with the accuracy of GPS technology to simplify and enhance time tracking and workforce management. With this app, employees can easily clock in and out, while the GPS feature verifies their location, ensuring they are at the job site when they log their hours. This results in more accurate time tracking and increased accountability.

Additionally, the Workyard app allows managers to view real-time employee locations and monitor job progress. The app helps improve communication, coordination, and productivity across the team. It also streamlines payroll processing by automatically calculating hours worked, overtime, and breaks, reducing errors and saving time.

For contractors and field service providers, Workyard’s GPS-enabled time clock app offers a reliable and efficient solution for workforce management. Workyard simplifies time tracking, enhances accountability, and provides valuable insights into job progress and employee locations by leveraging GPS technology, ultimately improving overall business operations.

Effectively Track Mileage For Compliance

Tracking mileage is essential to managing expenses and maintaining compliance with tax regulations. With various methods available, such as GPS mileage tracking apps, expense management software, and paper logbooks or Excel spreadsheets, choosing the approach that best suits your needs and preferences is crucial. 

Following the best practices for tracking mileage and leveraging tools like Workyard for workforce management can help you maintain accurate and reliable records, maximize tax deductions and reimbursements, and enhance your overall business operations. 

Stay informed about the latest tax regulations and reimbursement policies to maintain compliance and maximize the available tools and resources to optimize your mileage tracking and management efforts.

Sign up for a free trial of Workyard today!

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